
Translation Instructions

  • Download and install software. It's is enough to install a version for one OS, the language file is the same.
  • Go to installation directory, "Lang" sub-directory.
  • Create a copy of English.lng and name it <language>.lng, where <language> is the tag corresponding to the language you are translating. For example, the French language would be "French", so the file would be called "French.lng".
  • Open your ".lng" file in any text editor e.g. in Notepad, go through each of the phrases/words and translate them to the target language. Please edit only strings which in the following format: XXX=Editable string.
  • If you want to insert spaces in the begin/end of the string, enclose them in double quotation marks, e.g. " Volume: ".
  • Most strings have limited space, generally they allow some expansion from the English, but typically not more than 30% to 50% expansion. You may need to abbreviate or otherwise limit some strings in order that translated strings will fit.
  • If it's possible, please do spelling and grammar checks.
  • When you are done or if you have any questions please contact us.

Important Considerations

  • Do not modify dynamic string place holders (i.e. %u).
  • Do not translate proper names, e.g. "Power Mixer".
  • Try to keep strings to the same or lesser length.